Jonathan Hunter is Gale Construction Company’s full-time Safety Officer.

Gale Construction Company embraces all elements of our Health and Safety Program. Our program is based upon a sincere desire to eliminate injury, illness and any damage to equipment or property. Gale Construction Company is dedicated to protecting the public whenever and wherever the public is exposed to or affected by our work.

All members of management and supervision are empowered with the responsibility of identifying and preventing unsafe acts and/or conditions. While the ultimate success of a Health and Safety Program depends upon the full cooperation of each individual it is management’s commitment to ensure that health and safety practices and procedures are instilled in every task completed.

We believe safety should never be sacrificed for production but rather considered an integral part of quality control, cost reduction and job efficiency. Every supervisor is trained to be aware of the safety demonstrated by the employees under his/her supervision and is committed to maintaining a safe workplace.

In Gale Construction Company’s 25‐year history we have achieved the highest level of safety consciousness and are proud of our achievements to instill the need to be incident free. Nevertheless, as long as the possibility of an incident exists, we must continue to strive for improvement in all levels of our company.

Gale Construction Company provides weekly Tool Box Instruction and daily safety briefings. Our instructions are tailor-made for each project and designed to keep our personnel and sites incident free.